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Project Aubergine- *BREAKING SOON*


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Thanks for the comments guys!

Sadly the MB just got into a accident 2day! Soem guy came out a junction just as i went it, luckly i saw it in time and floored it, so avoided a full on T-Bone, but he did catch the rear wheel and bumper and abit fo the arch :cry:

Me and girlfriend was in the car at the time, but we are both fine. damage wise its just paintwork on the body and wheels. Ive already got a quote for the repair, so will see if the guy wants to go through insurance or pay privately to get it sorted as id rather skip the insurance hassle.

But yea, bit p**sed off, and having two minds as to whether i want to keep the MB or break it :roll:

And to answer some questions earlier:

uzy: Will clean up the cut line son c-pillar when its nicer weather.

m4rkvti-s: the s2 manifold works pretty well with the 2 stage vtec. it feels like u lose some low range torque, but once it hits mid and high end its totally different fromt he stadard item. but the key here is whos goin to fit the manifold for you. as i know and heard alot of ppl that fit the S2 and complain about ideling issues and things like that. i initally had it upon fitting, but the problem was cured in the end, so its up to the guy thats goin to fit it for u and if he knows his stuff.

seanmb6vti : seats was not direct fit, i got genuine recaro rails for them to fit. and the door cards are the original items but i retrimmed them myself.

GB.: U think jsut like me :D i always go for handling over power! i have a H brace at the front which i recommend and also fit a c-pillar brace, this really firms up the rear and makes the car alot more pointy! apart from those a MG ZS rear anti roll bar helps aswell. and some nice tyres are always welcome

-AL- : I live in Gravesend, near bluewater mate

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Thats a bummer mate your car was beautiful. I hope you do keep it and fix it but if you do break it then give me a shout as there are alot of bits that I would want inc both upper spoon braces and the DC2 wheel - yes I know I am a vulture :lol:

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:lol: its easy to be fixed, and wont cost much, but just confused(p**sed) right now :roll::lol:

H brace is like a front lower tie bar. but its a H bar which connect 4 points instead of 2 points like a tie bar.

MG ZS 180 rear anti roll bar will bolt straight on. jsut make sure it comes with all brackets and droplinks.

IF the car does stay then myabe a few more mods will be on the way by next month! :lol: Will probably give the car a wash 2morow to see the full extent of the damage , will get soem pics up.

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