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Project Aubergine- *BREAKING SOON*


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Top work as always mate , i have that flocking on my dash trims and it does look great ,but my god does the poo stick to it , one bit of dust in the car and its all over the flocking and then i have to spend 30 mins getting it all off with masking tape . Rich.

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mmmm sweet nice work blames looks mint but i do expect it from you :lol::D:D:D:D you always do a top job and some good ideas 1"£££$££"!! 1"£££$££"!! 1"£££$££"!! 1"£££$££"!! 1"£££$££"!! 1"£££$££"!!

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Thanks for comments guys!

Not sure about the dust thi9ng yet, as i only fitted them yesderday, so havent had the chance of dust sticking to them! atleast its jsut ont he door cards! :lol: Gona get the speedo surround flocked aswell jsut to match the doorcards and make it all tie together!

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