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My Milano EP3. Eibachs and geo done!


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lol, every now and then mate :D

Can't do as much as I used to cause of work, kids, 2 dogs and had too much to do on the other car the past few weeks!

Hopefully my new US import enquiries will get me to pro quality flock VERY soon :D

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HEre we go, few tiny updates!

Flocked Guage surround:


And new Mugen (lol) Positive Charging System (again lol)

Not that I don't have enough earth straps anyway, getting a bit spiderwebby next to my battery now!


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Cool mate, I'm working tomorrow, so drop me a text if you take it with you!

Can do it tomorrow night and let it set over weekend! Or, leave it a few more days, got a 3KG slow drying epoxy resin on order (special boat varnish stuff to give me enough working time!) which i'm hoping will make it near indestructible! :D

Just done my steering column shroud!

Spot the home made hanger :D


And closer, you can see how much excess flock gets put on there. Still a lot of excess now, but this come off tomorrow!


And a cleaner looking steering shroud top! On a not so purpose made warming device :lol


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Steering column cover done!




Definitely need to experiment with glues / epoxy, as the underside of the cover isn't the best, so need something that gives more working time and dries harder. Slow hardening Epoxy is the way to go I think!

Otherwise, looks soooooooo much better than battered old plastic!

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Me too, feels so soft comprared to the hand pumped stuff, just need some epoxy so I know it'll be hard as nails too!

The glue in there is OK, but i recon if you man handle it, wouldn't take a great deal to damage!

Hopefully Epoxy, drying like concrete, & the 1mm Nylon fibres being nearly impossible to break, will make it near as damn it indestructable :D £35 for a tub of epoxy though, then need to dye it black, just in case any tiny bits get missed, so nearly £50 on glue. Seems Expensive!

Me and my DIY, would be cheaper in the end to get someone else to do it. But where's the fun in that ;)

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