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My. Mb6 now with carbon ( new pics as promised )


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Ok since me and my mate have started up a vinyl wrapping business I thought I may do some bits an pieces on my civic so here's the results!!

First I started on the dash forgot the before pics but it was like a black walnut



Next up bonnet And grill


Then my splitter which was in really bad condition

From this


To this


All C&C welcome

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Looks good mate. I'd have had to wrap the pattern so it was directionally the same. I did it like you on my M, but after a while the interior stuff annoyed me, not followin gthe same lines, so had to redo it :D

On the splitter, or anything that has decent sized cosmetica scratches, get some filler and primer on before the vinyl, otherwise (as I've found out on my M) the sun will warm it and the air wil expand, giving you a bubble in the sunlight..

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I purposely ran the wrap the opposite way on the grill as I didn't want it looking like 1 piece!! Thanks for the info on the damage Ill keep that in mind!!

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I prefer bits that go in different directions. The bits i have done in the cabin go every other way if you see what i mean, starting at the gearstick surround and working up. I just need to do the long strip then it’s done. How do you get it out without breaking the centre vent, as apparently it has a cable attached?

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That's correct it does have a cable connected never did work out how to remove it on my old mb3 but now I have the proper tools I didn't need to remove it done it while still fitted as I have every bit on the car!

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