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Everything posted by simpo

  1. Yeah you prob can need a live for the vtec solinoid. But if it was me I would change it and do a proper job.
  2. Don't forget you have to drain the 5w-30 out first b4 you put 10w-40 in! One more thing 140k not even run in yet it's a Honda not a ford lol
  3. Seen this the other day! But years ago I was told never buy a car from Birmingham
  4. Ture as jake is saying when you changed the oil did you start it up or a few seconds to fill up the filter or did u just fill it an drive off
  5. That's the weirdest thing ever! Wouldn't say it was dip stick unless it's been cut in some way! Take it u checked for leaks? Also was it dry to touch as new oil can look very clear and hard to see
  6. simpo


    I reckon ur alloy is buckled, it's hard to say with out driving it!
  7. simpo


    I thought the mb6 was bad on fuel scobby is now off my list lol
  8. simpo


    You try finding a 1.8 deck lol
  9. simpo


    I would be saying the reason I didn't get the turbo is because the 2l non turbo will be better on fuel loads cheaper on insurance, cheaper to fix lol
  10. simpo


    Also have u checked the other shaft?was there any difference what's so ever changing drivers shaft?
  11. simpo


    All those things are simply and free worth checking! Where do you feel it through the steering wheel?
  12. simpo


    Auto trader was saying 20mpg around town with I thought was very low
  13. simpo


    Any one have a scobby impreza 2l non turbo? Wanna know how reliable there are and any common problems! Also what MPG the give out
  14. simpo


    If it was engine mounts you would prob here the engine knock about. How many shafts did you change? Have you tried swopping front wheels to back to rules out the wheels? Also have you checked your callipers aren't seizing?
  15. You won't need to wire vtec in if you swop all the looms over
  16. I would of thought engine would have same mounts so engine should bolt straight in. As for the wiring just do the complete swop with the engine and interior loom this will make it easier in the long run as u will now be running vtec. I take it ur ma doesn't have vtec
  17. F00k the MA stick with the deck lol. If it was me I would just swop the whole lot with be easier least you know every thing will plug in and won't have to worry about trying to bodge wires
  18. True lol. But back in my old civic days when I was chopping and changing from 1.4 to 1.6 and back to 1.4s lol I kept the same mani
  19. Yeah I got mine from honda make sure u get so gearbox oil to. As when my oil got low it was jumping out of 5th
  20. Looks like I'm on my way to Gloucester tomoz that's a bargain
  21. Miles away from there lol. I keep looking at this CIVIC via Auto Trader http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201311189981069?atmobcid=soc4
  22. Disagree I have never brought twice
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