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Everything posted by simpo

  1. As above some of have a life and proper work to do! Lol
  2. Every car is different mind maybe a full system or a good service might help
  3. simpo

    Cold weather

    GEAr knob beanie lol
  4. simpo

    Cold weather

    Seems the weather is starting to get cold thought I would treat my gear knob lol
  5. simpo

    ebay exhausts

    It's was quite low revs and a bit of grunt when u put ur foot down
  6. The only reason you got positive stuff from cl is because it was prob one of us replying lol. I'm on a lot of forums and this is the best celica club was good too and southwest civics back in its day
  7. Yeah you seem to be changing gear to quick
  8. U should of said I had that seal somewhere as I brought both as mine was leaking from o/s , saying that trying to find it could be a mission. Least it's sorted now
  9. Your more likely to fo0k the clutch and gearbox b4 the engine
  10. Do they have a egr valve. Surly no smoke is a good thing
  11. It's could be the filler pipe rotted away. I would get the back seats out and rear interior panels out to see what's going on
  12. simpo

    ebay exhausts

    I had the mb6 ebay one had no problems what's so ever
  13. The accord when down the drain misses has got a mk5 golf 2l GT TDI and have to say I quite like it! Anyways the old girl passed the mot yesterday and is now running her standard exhaust system again!
  14. Due to forum rules I can not tell you lol, on the other hand there is a pm button if u would like more info
  15. Get some twin carbs like wat are on my civic and bang them on the accord
  16. Sump gasket or around the vtec solenoid prob dripping on the manifold and that's why u can smell it
  17. simpo

    Fitting buckets?

    Can't you just mod them to fit your mc rails?
  18. I wouldn't bodge any suspension on lol
  19. I thought the hangers were in a different place put not 100% sure
  20. Just length is the issue then ( always a problem length lol)
  21. Thing is it was the tail pipe that was just made longer, so to extend it you would need to extend the pipe work then prob have to remount the hangers too.
  22. Do you have an arb fitted?
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