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Posts posted by dogg1210

  1. 58 minutes ago, burbleboy said:

    My mate may be selling his recent  k20 swopped eg with 235bhp but it would be for a sale no swops...he rumoured to be looking for 6-7k for it though :0 

    Yeah man they go for alot!  I'll keep the civic for a while yet I think it's never been any problems with it,  just need to get it mapped properly but not sure where to go with it 

  2. Was feeling like selling the civic that's why I would've got it sprayed so it was well sorted, just passed MOT too.  But can't be bothered selling as it's had lots done to it and can't see it selling for what I'd want and would defo not break it.  So I'm keeping it for now :) unless someone offers me a k20 eg or ek for straight swap 


  3. Yeah mate finished putting turbo in its sitting about 600bhp now.. 






















    A wish lol,  just been busy with work was going to get it sprayed but put that on hold need to spend money on getting it mapped but not sure where I can get it done near here.  

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