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Everything posted by Stu_civicsport

  1. What's going on with this then ? And what did you use for lowing it ? Springs or coilovers and if so how what strings and how low is it ?
  2. So is i vtec good then or is like not having vtec at all lol the 1.4 tyre s is 110 bhp
  3. Just wanted to no about some think as my mate looking in to buying new Honda he's looking in to buying Honda civic 1.4 tyre s with is i vtec what is I vtec is it real vtec ???? And he look at a se Honda civic what se stand for ???
  4. Looking good dave MIT be going down to the rolling road again next mouth I think to see if the 2 thinks that have done have done any think Fingers crossed
  5. Were can i go to get my head skim For my mb2 ? Plus how much is it to have done ?
  6. I'm with dave me and dave are big big little. D fans We fight the good fight
  7. Hi mate were did you get your induction kit and if it's of eBay can you send me a link for it plz
  8. No that was not stock that's with the exhaust systems and a induction kit can you see why I'm p**s off now just had 14 bhp stolen from me was a bit p**s that it only got 14 bhp on the day but now to find out I never had it that bloodly depressing
  9. What it's 90 bhp stand how can it still be 90 bhp still ????? How can I go backwards So not happy about this hope i dont go on the roll road now with what I have done and end up being 60bhp what a wast of bloodly money
  10. Well as you no I have a 4-2-1 and I have find that it takes a lot longer to get to up to 7rpm ie goes longer be for i have to chance gear if you no what I mean and it dose pull of a lot fast and I have find 1st 2nd and 3rd seem to have a lot more power in them but this is just the start with me as most of the Poeple no here no that I am the one that well not give up on the little old 1.4 these power to be made and I fill find you well see
  11. Glad me you dave are on the same page if I could of find a mb3 in black with as low. Miles on as my car had on it I so would. Have had the mb3 over the mb2 got to say I'm a big fan of your mb3 mate but hay I do love my mb2 had that's why I'm doing it the hard way lol
  12. Yeah I see we're your coming from dave but putting turbo on it is a easy way out plus little engine are not really good with turbos as it seem to blow the engine up as it way to much power and boost for it
  13. Turbo was a idea but that idea is a lot lot of money to do
  14. Well I all ways get Poeple saying just do a swap i can't see the point as I may as well go buy a mb6 but I'm not giving up on my car yeah it's a 1.4 but I would like to have the fasted 1.4 and that's what it's all about giving the little d a chance
  15. Hi right i have got a mb2 with a d14z4 in it its running 104 brake at the mo but i want more out of it so Right I need a 4.2.3 manifold put not sure with well fit my car seen some on eBay but don't no if they well fit as well engines have never bin my thinks it's all was be style with me but now it's got to be about power any help would be appreciated plus need a bigger throttle body to take more air in any help on what fit my car ?
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