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Everything posted by MBFinlay

  1. How about ET30 with 15x7,5? I've been looking at Japan Racing TF2 wheels. I've seen some picture of EG Civic with those. But MB6 has stock ET of 55 vs. 40-45 of EG. What i'm saying is will the wheels stick out further outside because of that? Even though different factory ET values, is the length from wheel's mounting surface to edge of the arches same/similar? Just wondering because "normal" MB civics have similar ET with EG and EK civics right? So how much different the MB6 is? Is the ET difference just with the wheels or everything else too? The wheelbase of the cars etc. ? ET30 should be fine with normal civics i believe. At least if the wheels width is less than 8j. Please someone give me some insight...
  2. How about ET26 on 15x7.5 wheels? I'm looking at Japan Racing JR12 wheels. Arches are rolled and pulled. Car is lowered with stock 15". Tires are at same level with arches so it's pretty low.
  3. I believe all MC and MB models share the same ABS sensors. I just bought one from ebay and it stated that there at least.
  4. Does anyone run ultralite wheels in here since they are made/sold in UK? I was looking at UL10 wheels. http://www.ultralitewheels.com/acatalog/UL10-1580-2SMF---15x8-ET25-4x100-114.3-SILER-MF-BC-STUD-1200.html SIZE : 15 X 8 (or 16x8). SPECIFICATION : ET25 - 4x100+114.3 PCD Would those fit MB6 without camber adjustment? Previous owner had ET20 (17x9) without camber adjustment. But i think those wheels have "wider dish" even though a bit higher ET. Also has anyone in here ever had any problems with break caliper clearance at front with MB6 on any wheels?
  5. I'm having the same problem with MB6. It seems like a "type issue" with these. I have water in the footwell only when it rains hard while driving. Passenger side as well, behind the glove box. I'm 99% positive we have the same issue. Tell us if you find what causes it.
  6. What wheels are you running in front? 45? 205? 195? Any camber in front? Looks nice btw
  7. Will they stuck out from fenders/arches? They are already rolled and pulled by previous owner. I don't wan't any camber adjustments. Bad for tires, wallet and winter conditions. Previous owner had Japan Racing JR3 wheels with et 20-22 in the back (17x9). Sure they stuck out lil bit but it was okay with stretched tires. I'm looking at these: http://www.nlmotoring.com/Avid-1-AV-12-Wheels-16x8-Gold-p/av121680ma25gd.htm 16x8 Offset [+25mm] (I would pick 15's but can't find those locally with 114 and et25 fitment). I wonder if such "deep dish" wheels fit MB6 without camber adjustments? I mean ET 25 should be manageable if those JR3's fitted, right? But does wheel design affect how much it actually comes outwards? I've seen some EK and EG Civics with those wheels and they struggle i guess. Looks good on those but MB6 have stock ET of 55 vs. other Civics 40-45. Fenders and arches are pulled out as much as they can i'd say. Does anyone here have experience on fitting similar style wheels on MB6 without camber adjustments? Does pulled fenders and mild stretched tires solve it? Another problem i fear is caliper clearance in the front... Bigger calipers than stock Civics. If it needs spacers bigger than 3mm. i think it's a "no go" then. Assuming they would fit, what tire profile would be the best? I have now stock 15's and lowered car pretty much in the same level as wheels (stanced/slammed some would possibly say ).
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