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Loosing colant


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Guys just wondering i think im loosing coolant I haven't noticed any smoke however im not quite sure when vtec kicks in. No sign of oil mixing with water vice versa... Going to try it for a long drive today and see what happens...

Any ideas why? Last time i had a similar symptoms on my rover my head gasket is blown so im kinda worried...

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Never used any coolent when I had it! I would start by looking at hoses and rad.( rovers prone for head gaskets) or maybe just due to the really hot weather maybe a full coolent change might help

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I topped it up today... Im going for a long drive today so well be checking when i get to my destination..l yeah hopefully its nothing big..

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I haven't got the chance yet - I didn't lose any when I went to bournemouth there and back - the bay can get really hot though for some reason  -

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