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The family_Broon wagon


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12 minutes ago, Dave said:

Its bad crack that they are getting away with actually selling this pathetic excuse for fuel! E10 is utter crap. Destroys rubber fuel lines, damages injectors...........no wonder the gov is loving it. They get older cars off the road (so helps them meet their totally unrealistic emmisions limits), they get tax on all the cars going in for repair. Win win for them as usual and all part of the plan to force us into EV's. The refurbed injectors with the stainless steel filter sound good though.

It is p poor like. Just hope that e5 super keeps being sold. 

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  • 5 months later...

Spent a bit of time fitting some roof rails to the wagon at the weekend (after ruining the roof with the bike incident) 


Had to chop the trim to fit around the feet for the rails which took most of the time (and trying to straighten out the part of the trim that was damaged in 'the incident...'). 


Need to get some front covers as they were missing, but the rails are like hen's teeth. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Weird how I don't like estates without roof rails lol should be on every estate! Looks like you're getting there mate after the "cough" incident! Lol

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13 minutes ago, Dave said:

Weird how I don't like estates without roof rails lol should be on every estate! Looks like you're getting there mate after the "cough" incident! Lol

Yeah, I know what you mean, it seems to finish them off doesn't it. 

Still a long way off being sorted... Just can't see from that angle. The rails do take your eyes off the damage (a bit) though. 

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  • 10 months later...

Not much to update on Tubs2 as its hibernation time, so thought I'd show done pics of the bargain android headunit / climate control thing for the big boy wagon. 









It's pretty good to be fair, better than a lot of oem infotainment systems. Had android auto and Apple car play. 


Only real quirk is that the passenger side temp control is the one that controls both, rather than the other way around, and the door open image that pops up is also switched around. 


Wish there was something like this for the M though. 


Got it for a bargain £35 from the cancer research eBay site as well. Looks like they must have a batch at there's another one on auction now https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225994844427?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=7jCh4mYeQAC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=VPkI41u3Sse&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=More


Replaces this unit.. 




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  • 4 weeks later...

Was that the whole thing including the buttons for heater controls etc? Sounds like the bargain of the century mate! Get what you mean about wanting something like that in the deck. I'm still weighing up options!

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14 hours ago, dr_broon said:

It is bud, whole unit... When you change the temperature etc it pops up on the display. Pretty cool really 😎

That's well smart! And a bargain too! 

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  • 8 months later...

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