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syder's MC2 deck ( halted in my tracks )


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Yeah take it easy mate, how old are you by the way?

35 mate , heart props in my dads side of the family , my uncle had a triple heart bypass at 42 , my dad died at 41 with a massive hart attack , so i sort of new it was on the books but at this age ? , i have ended up with two stents in my heart two keep the blood flowing , not that i didn't look after my myself mind you , i did eat healthy don't drink much do smoke well did smoke , ha ho :lol: why not other wise might go off blowupsmiley.gif

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omg m8 , my uncle died at the age of 32 with heart attack and since then all the family on that side have been diagnosed with heart problems . All on special diets and medication .

Good luck and look after yourself.

You should have a great case to get your job back now bud by the way . (thats if you want to go back now!)

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sorry to hear about your recent problems,unfair dismisal claim springs to mind!!as need funds for future i guess !get the ball rolling if i were you citzens advise mate?they might settle out of court few £ks be handy!!depends on your contract i guess? just a thought though !!all the best andrew

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Holy sheet, sounds like it's definitely time to take things a bit easier, really didn't need the stress of job loss as well, as others have said get yourself down the CAB office and get some advice.

All the best


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