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new daily possibly?


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I've told my parents I'm not going to mod it. That was trying to keep a straight face aswel!! My misses recons ill mod it ha ha but I might kit lower it tbh. Means we can do other stuff and get places without worrying about the underneath of the car for the time being ;)

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We all say we wont mod the new car then it starts slowly. I'm trying not to mod the EP3, have only changed Bulbs for LEDs, aerowipers, Jazz washer jets and fitted my stereo but i know there will be more!

It's a slippery slope! 


I've told my parents I'm not going to mod it. That was trying to keep a straight face aswel!! My misses recons ill mod it ha ha but I might kit lower it tbh. Means we can do other stuff and get places without worrying about the underneath of the car for the time being ;)

Haha as long as you don't go mad! But it's your car to do with as you will! 

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Ha ha I'm definately doing new bulbs all round! I have thought about slamming it lower than my deck as it's a shorter wheel base but I won't be able to get anywhere ha ha

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