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Everything posted by simpo

  1. Yes you can as long as the fronts are the same and the rears are the same
  2. I would as mgzs setup plus the mg Rear arb
  3. Doesn't the top mount slant on a angle which would mean one side would sit higher?
  4. Prob the heat shield around the cat
  5. Not if your selling Lol
  6. My old ee9 was a i vtec but that was a b16. Se is just the trim code I think
  7. That's what I am saying new one could be faulty. Take the oil cap off see if there is any white cream around it. Also whats the coolent level doing
  8. I would say a air lock take the cap off and run the car for a while
  9. Could be a faulty thermostat Don't think the heater matrix would cause the temp to go up would it?
  10. I have never known a wheel nut seize
  11. Said he didnt like the tail pipe
  12. Waiting for one to be delivered as it never came with one
  13. That's a cat back system but the guy cut 3in tail pipe of and welded that one (loser)
  14. No on a bank lol a just pm'ed you
  15. Sun was shining for the first time In months so I thought I would take some pics
  16. Thought about that after lOl
  17. I am itching like fook it's got like glass or something in it.
  18. Not keen on the extra lip but looks like you got a minter there mate
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