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Everything posted by simpo

  1. ffs i cant even lift my bonnet at the meet now as you will put me to shame. think you should take me for a blast at the meet see wat that apexi can do
  2. dont worry mate i will let you sit in my drivers seat and if your a real good boy i will let you rev it
  3. yep and get all the bargains when mine and knights car is at the meet its gunna be like seeing too of your cars
  4. i need that gearbox let us know the difference when you get it fitted
  5. LOL!!! Thanks chap! got a red thing going on! Remember mate, my vti is far from mint! yeah but i have no mods
  6. looks quite nice in red blends in with you earth kit. my car is gunna look sh!t compared to yours at the meet slow down with the mods
  7. Nothing there mate & the the guy i used no longer registered on eBay. Wierd! i had a search on the web for this sticker and the only thing i could find was someone on a forum saying they came with the new mugen shift nobs
  8. i tried to get the link on autotrader but they have deleted it already will have to wait till tomoz
  9. i tried to get the link on autotrader but they have deleted it already will have to wait till tomoz
  10. no not a vtis just cant be assed to right it, its just a vti. alot easier if you see pics lol
  11. no not a vtis just cant be assed to right it, its just a vti. alot easier if you see pics lol
  12. will get a build up thread soon
  13. will get a build up thread soon
  14. my i have kept to mine now have a deck
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