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Everything posted by simpo

  1. Lol look at my last post, no not knights. Krys you have seen it in person
  2. The one with a black mb6 lol
  3. No not one of my old ones and yes it's a member on here
  4. Yeh if I can get home from work early I'm going up to get it! Still waiting for you to guess lol ( oh and you have seen a pic of it )
  5. Hopefully picking it up thursday
  6. Did you put them in the oven? If so wat temp how long did you leave them in for?
  7. Exhaust is gone no more drowning my ears on the motorway I sold it for £20 and a ps3 controller lol.
  8. All ways good when you get those niggley bits done! When you gunna fit the arb? What have you got to reseal the lights
  9. Exhaust is coming off today slowly going back to standard few little bits I got to do b4 she goes
  10. Your sure it just wasn't because you were in a high gear at a very low speed?
  11. Was gunna look through this to see if there is any mods I want but then I thought f00k that there's to many pages! Oh and who's got the whales p***s I wanna kill them
  12. Or keep both sets and have one set for winter wheels
  13. Might do it next month be skint lately
  14. Get rid lol I don't like the dc2 wheels but that's just me
  15. DC2 wheels always needed a spacer to fit M's I take it they were balanced? Also maybe a buckled alloy? But like u said could be because it not sitting on the hub
  16. Bargain for someone http://bit.ly/KIolH1
  17. Nope down your asking price lol
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