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mokus last won the day on March 5 2017

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About mokus

  • Birthday 03/11/1990

Personal info

  • Name
    Levente Lorantffy
  • Age group
    26-30...not so youngster!
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  • Civic Model
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  1. Hi! Is that possible I feel VTEC engagement suffering a few times? I dont know how to describe it... Usually its good around 4800... Very few times rpm goes to 4800+, and its like not giving power in vtec or like blunt or something. Maybe I feel it wrong, I dont know. Usually its good. Oil is good, vtec solenoid gasket has like 10000 miles on it. Any ideas?
  2. mokus

    B18 engine problem

    Today it didnt started with warm engine. I drove there, it was there 1 hour already. Took apart the dizzy, nothing looks wrong. After two tries it started. BUT the dizzy... its a f*ckin aftermarket sh*t* Inner end of the shaft is like loosen, contol module not NEC... its a s**tty dizzy. Even the seal of the cap was a bit big for this dizzy... but it has a TD-86U sticker on it. I think all the problem is from this s**t :\ I told him to buy a complete oem one, Or rebuild my old spare one.
  3. mokus

    B18 engine problem

    Thank you. A little update. Leads changed to new ones, but it was still bad, especially when warm. My friend changed the rotor, he said it looks better now. Tomorrow I gonna go there and check. Next step is coil change, maybe ignition control module change. Then if its still sucks, next will we o2 sensor. Thats the plan
  4. Hi! A friend of mine bought an MC2 1.8 vti +LPG. Today I drove the car and it has a strange engine problem. Pulls almost fine, nothing too bad problem, so its stock"ish" power I think. Only problem is, when I drive it easy (throttle lightly, normal city drive), throttle disappears for 2-3 seconds, I feel it on the pedal, nothing happens, then it kicks and pulls again. Its around 2600-2800rpm, i drove it in 3th gear, and I could repeat the problem again, so its that range, where its bad, Any ideas? :\
  5. Greddy 4-2-1 mani, 2.25 catback, decat. Catback got a custom resonator box, muffler is Supersprint (big body, high flow,) For a 2.25 high flow setup its very quiet.
  6. mokus

    MB6 LMA info

    Hi! Is there somebody, who knows which type of LMA do we have in B18C4? Should be changed to upgraded spring type, or is it already the upgraded? I will have a valve stem seal change, so maybe I would change those too, to reduce ticking noise. What are the bad side of ticking LMAs? Only the sound, or something loss in engaged VTEC?
  7. Cuz its ukdm. need this, because 95% of local meets are full of jdm's
  8. Added poor mans K&N filter. Seen this solution on integra forums. K&N RU-2820 filter and the two ends of used itr filter. Same diameter as stock filter. Half a price of k&n drop in itr filter.
  9. Cold air feed is almost finished. Tube from itr box goes down to this trumpet.
  10. mokus

    Stock+ B18C4 tune?

    One last dumb question. Are the GSR and the C4 intake the same?
  11. mokus

    Stock+ B18C4 tune?

    I think this OEM intake full port and polish would be as good as s2 or blox. But the main reason is I want to keep the IABs, so the engine would be good on low/mid range. Is this a good idea?
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