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My Silver Slaaag of Daily Duties- time to part company :(

sx baz

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the best investment you could make is one of these, it may cost £5-6 but you can de glue the whole back end or de sticker a car in 2-3 mins max, stick it in a cordless drill at high speed and it takes it all off in seconds all you have to do is blow the small rubber bits left behind off the paintwork at the end. doesnt damage the paint either but can melt plastics if not careful.

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/stripe-graphi ... 19ce7a310a

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cheers dude, ive wanted a decent set of components for years, will beef up the rear sounds at some point but keeping it simple and quality.

As for progress, wheels have been bought so updates and plenty to do coming soon!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update time, but nothing exciting :(

Took the mb for its mot last weekend which it passed, it needed a bit of a thrashing to get through with the sports cat but i think this is because its only done short journeys recently.

Im off on a trip up to leeds then manchester this friday so i decided that i best do the long overdue service and valve clearances.

So i sorted a new set of plugs, rocker gasket, oil and filter and got to work.

fresh stuff to go on


rocker cover off


the valves didnt seem too bad after i checked them, the tool that i previously bought did make the job much easier though so i was pleased about that.

Next up was to warm the car up ready to drop the oil, so once she was warm i got it up in the air and let it drain out, made a cuppa, then came back to change the oil filter.

After looking around I discovered the oil filter was in a pretty silly place as you guys know... Ive never had a car where its so out of the way from the front of the bay, anyway i hit a bit of trouble... i couldnt get the b$%$^£D thing off!! chain wrench wouldnt fit as it was too near the intake manifold bracket and i could only get half a hand on it from above or below because of the bracket.

After much swearing etc i was going to smash a screwdriver through it and use that to turn it, only thing was that its tightness concerned me that i could end up with a wrecked filter still stuck on. So i made myself a bit of a glove out of electrical tape... sticky side out, sounds crazy but it worked, it gave me mega grip and man rage got the f*^ker undone!

Found out the reason... it was an ADL Blueprint filter with a much larger diameter housing, you can see by this pic ..it doesnt really fit the honda filter box, so it was too close to the mani bracket.


So my advice is to make sure you get filters the correct diameter as i managed to wear through the skin on my wrist lol


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I mentioned picking up some wheels earlier.... anyway here they are.. genuine works, which im pleased about. Im not sure what model they are, i think RSZ. I have a thing for proper japanese wheels so wanted these with the simple 5 spoke design.

Anyway, i did a quick test fit..ignore the balloon spec tyres!





White on silver doesnt work for me, so i sprayed them up







Work stamped




Just waiting to sort out some tyres and these will be going on, with new black internal drive wheel nuts.

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Looking good! Like the wheelsmmate. Yeah know what you mean with filters. I think there the old style. Newer ones have the smaller diameter even the blueprints etc.

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