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Silver MB6 from Kent

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Right! As promised to a couple of members, I'm starting the project today seeing as I have made a mod to the MB, if not just a small one.

Here she is Standard, just as the day I bought her...




Not going to reveal too much as of plans for her, but I hope to have her cosmetically the way I want within about a month. I can imagine already that it wont be to everyone's taste, (No ricey kits) but I'm sure some will like it just as much as I will!

Decided to de-badge her. And Bought an MG spoiler that i thought I would line up. Obviously gana need spraying!



As I said, won't reveal too much, but will have some Meister R coilovers by Wednesday. 8-)


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very nice mb! i have a silver one as well check out my thread, cant wait till u get those meisters in will make a huge difference!

but one thing if i were you i would take out the bit in your post asking if anyone has a vtis lip as newbies arent allowed to advertise if they want something thats why you cant see the for sale/wanted section. the rules are strict i know but its for a reason :)

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:shock: did you just get the meisters on ebay? if you did, you beat me to them! :cry:

looking forward (and enviously :mrgreen: ) to seeing how your project turns out. :D

I did indeed, and only had to pick them up from Essex in the end! So you're the man that cost me the extra £70 on what I could have paid for them! :x:roll:;):D

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