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Wagonlife uk Aerodeck Stance Daily


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Your car is absolutely gorgeous. 

May I ask, how did you get fitment like that? I am wanting something similar for my MB4, but don't know what parts or setup to go for. 

Love the color combination!

Keep up the good work on this, she will be a dream when she's done! 


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  • 2 months later...


Follow the same steps as the drives side as the only real difference here is the fuse box.You have a small fuse box for the abs as i said i deleted mine so just removed that completely and threw it in the bin so im not sure on how to tuck that im affraid im sure you would need to extend the wires off the main fuse box to relocate it behind the wing there will be a guide on the tinterweb somewhere. Right so when youve got thloom lose and ready to.be tucked you need to again push through bulkhead and then out through the door loom again so as i said follow the previous guide. When iside the car remove the fan assembly make it so much easier and gives you a shed loda space.


Right you need to buy som 6gauage power wire for this as you will need to extend the loom from the + on batter to the box. Losen the 3 ¹0mm bolts holding the fuse box in and split the box and you will see 4 plugs disconnect these as tjey need to go through the bulk head.

Ollie !!,photos please lol.

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