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Krzys' MB6 VTi-S - Sold!


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Yeah, I wound some of my pre-load off to, does make them a bit more comfy. :)


As long as you've ended up paying anything less than £150 for a complete leather interior I'd say that's a win.

I will have :smile:


Basically the deal is he wants to do some work then sell for profit so the first x amount of money the car sells for when my brother sells it on I get and he gets anything over that amount! :) 

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I will have :-)


Basically the deal is he wants to do some work then sell for profit so the first x amount of money the car sells for when my brother sells it on I get and he gets anything over that amount! :)


That sounds good and saves you the bother of selling it. :)

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Good man, your interior is looking awsome now dude and as for the car deal that sounds a nice and easy way of getting a few quid back..

Cheers dude! 8-)


Yeah, any hassle I can pass on is worth doing :lol:

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