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Matt's Multiple MB adventures. Back to the G99P


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That is maaad low, and the wheels set it off amazing. I'd be too scared to run those coilovers that low though, used to have something similar in my old Polo 6N but it winded rear passengers =/ Respect mate! ;)

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Wheels are 15's, nothing special done to the coilovers to go that low, just bolted them on. Still got some thread left on the fronts and over an inch left on the rears, will probably make use of that when I have a more suitable de-cat pipe :lol: As for wheels, I want a staggered set of 8J and 9J cups ideally, or perhaps Klutch SL1's or Watercooled IND CC10's. Whatever happens, I will probably end up spending more on wheels than I spent on buying the car! As for it being low, I dont have too many problems :lol:



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So, not really much of an update at the moment. Ordered some D2 Racing rear camber arms in preparation for wheels. Wheels sadly not ordered yet as work have screwed my pay up :( Another thing, Sportex centre pipe fell apart. At 2am. In the rain. Was not fun removing backbox and the rear section of the pipe, but It did make a good noise on the way home! (Volume warning!)



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