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Just bought some Rear ZS180 Dampers and springs

Guest rallyeluke

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To reiterate it wasn't you @jimbob738. It was the bad attitude and 'I'm right because I've been in the trade and the rest of you don't know shit'

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Guest jimbob738

ok I will leave it there, I have deleted any threads referring to other users who I might unintentionally upset through reference, I think I might go to a MG breakers near me find a face lift 2004 180 and take them off myself, see how that is all else fails I will be left with either meister r's or buying an ek 1.4 in the mean time I can enjoy driving my Volvo ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and my jeep.

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Guest jimbob738

To reiterate it wasn't you @jimbob738. It was the bad attitude and 'I'm right because I've been in the trade and the rest of you don't know s**t'

I have also worked in the industry with my Dad but doesn't mean you know everything, you don't normally have many Honda's to fix to be fair its normally Vauxhalls and fords cheap junk these things never tend to go down.

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I have also worked in the industry with my Dad but doesn't mean you know everything, you don't normally have many Honda's to fix to be fair its normally Vauxhalls and fords cheap junk these things never tend to go down.

Amen to that lol.

Thing is, is there is a big big difference working as an MoT'r and working at tuning cars. For instance I didn't have my FRSU done at my local wheel alignment place. It was a honda tuning house that did it. By a gent who has worked on Hondas for over a decade.

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Guest jimbob738

I would have loved to work for Honda, I just worked with my Dad to get some extra cash in spent since the age of 3 watching him was only natural I was gonna learn something.


I will level with yall I aint got a clue if I were to go down the coilover route how I would ever get the camber sorted or who could align it correctly, I like the idea of meister r's and really don't want to rip the guts out my VTI-S like all the others but £750 is a lot of Wonga when you got two kids to feed I struggled justifying buying an xbox one last week luckily I made some extra dosh.

P.S Forza 5 crazy awesome............


I might just have to save some pennys you all seem to love them I haven't driven one with them or even seen one so cant comment.

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Guest jimbob738

Wow all you guys with the potty mouths man whats happened civic5 was always a place people didn't swear or rather when you tried it would auto block it.

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