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Shafz's NHB '02 EP3 Type R Build!


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Well this derailed. 


Took mum out to Morrisons in the type R. Had to turn out of a sideroad and no one was really giving me space, saw the opportunity, floored it in 1st to 30 and chirped/leapt into 2nd gear. Swift smack on the left arm and asked why I was showing off. 'Mum that's only 30 we're doing 25 now :lol: haha'


Mums, ey?

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My exhaust means my mum doesn't normally like me shifting above 3k, which in an EP3 as you know is difficult because of ratios, literally anything above 30mph I have to be in 6th or she gets annoyed :lol:

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I don't like using the BMW on Morrisons/town trips though cause it gets like 15mpg with the climate control on, it's way better than the EP3 on fuel on the motorway though!

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I've never owned a car that gets me into so many conversations at petrol stations before! I got lots of 'what is that?' in the starlet GT, and the people who knew what it was thumbed up including a guy who was there with his missus in the WRX STi who took several photos of it.. but this EP3. Every time I've put in petrol recently some either boy racer or a proper enthusiast has to talk to me about it.. The boy racers come at the 'oh my mates brothers cousins dads gardeners nephew has one of these with like 400 brake mate' angle  :lol:


The proper enthusiasts ask proper questions though. I've had guys in traffic queues on the opposite side of the road ask me if it's quick. I don't know why it gets so much attention but it's nice to know people like my car despite it looking completely standard except the lows, calipers and spoiler (only an anorak would notice the black inner headlights).

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I've never owned a car that gets me into so many conversations at petrol stations before! I got lots of 'what is that?' in the starlet GT, and the people who knew what it was thumbed up including a guy who was there with his missus in the WRX STi who took several photos of it.. but this EP3. Every time I've put in petrol recently some either boy racer or a proper enthusiast has to talk to me about it.. The boy racers come at the 'oh my mates brothers cousins dads gardeners nephew has one of these with like 400 brake mate' angle  :lol:


The proper enthusiasts ask proper questions though. I've had guys in traffic queues on the opposite side of the road ask me if it's quick. I don't know why it gets so much attention but it's nice to know people like my car despite it looking completely standard except the lows, calipers and spoiler (only an anorak would notice the black inner headlights).

I had my first petrol station encounter yesterday! Guy was asking what power it's got, said how tidy it looked then said his diesel BMW has the same power but his friends Type R is quicker. Told him these are very nimble! :D


In the EK I used to get asked all the time if I was selling it, first time being the day I bought it :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha wow the day you bought it? If they offered you a fair bit more than you paid you reckon you would've taken it?!


Anywho with Japfest in just under 2 weeks, and 4 years license today (irrelevant but a milestone for me none the less) I bought a mod I'd wanted on an EP3 since 2001. They should be here this week sometime due to me of course buying something on Bank Holiday weekend when it'll take a day longer to get here, I'll keep this updated when they arrive, and then attempt to fit them straight away.

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When they arrive? Sounds exciting!

And no I wouldn't have taken it, I was far too smitten with the car, unless we're talking life changing sums of money :lol:

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I'll spoil it cause no one really reads this thread except you xD



Edit: That's how I felt with this EP3, I was so excited I finally got one, unless someone offered me like double what I paid, I'd say no!

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