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Gearstick Shaft query?


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Hi all possibly a daft question but I think someone's been tinkering with my MB although it's completely standard. I saw a post on the FB group about the gearknobs being threaded so a simple screw on / screw off

However I went to a scrappy a week or so ago and saw a MG-ZS in pretty much mint condition and saw the gearknob which I thought would be a straight swap although I've ran into 2 problems

Firstly the gearknob on mine doesn't twist but pulls straight off instead and the shaft on the MG-ZS thread is a lot wider so it won't go on mine anyway even if it were threaded.

Now I'm a tad confused as to what's going on and what I can do, I know you can get short shifter kits although I don't want to do that if I can help it but how difficult would it be to swap the shafts over from another MB assuming they'd be the same?


Cheers and apologies if it's been covered


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If the mg zs knob is the golf ball looking one, there was one on my deck when I bought it but it had some electrical or PTFE tape around the thread on the gear stick to make it fit but it still span around with little effort. Horrible looking thing though so it now lives in the glove box!

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Well now I'm really confused as I've made a massive knob of myself pardon the pun, I've just gone down to the car and tried to pull it of as I was sure I did last time and it wouldn't move, twisted it and it's come straight off so yep there's only 2 things to say

1 - Thanks for the replies

2 - I'm a t**t :D

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