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So, how's everyone getting on with the new way of life? 

Personally I'm working from home, but then have been most of the time anyway for about 6 months so no big change there. 

Will be interesting when the 'home school' starts next week though. 

Hope that everyone's well and keeping in touch with the world however they can :civic5rocks3:

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Been hell adjusting tbh. Gayle and me have both had it (or at least a doctor told Gayle over the phone she has it without seeing her/testing her) so we're self quarantine until a week on Monday. I've had similar symptoms to Gayle, so assuming I've probs got it (or whatever Gayle has got!). I work in IT as a helpdesk technician, but our whole helpdesk are now working from home with council devices, which is limiting what we can do. I thought I'd love working from home, but tbh, a week in and I'm already disliking it big time!


It's the way some others are reacting that is pissing me off though, I mean the mere mention of any kind of epidemic and folk go mad and empty supermarket shelves. I mean seriously, wtf is it all about when folk come out of our local Aldi with trolleys stacked high with every kind of bloody loo roll you can think of. Bloody muppets. Now there's none in any shops, along with the antibacterial hand gel. Folk are just so bloody single minded and selfish!


Anyhoo, feeling a lot better than we did last week, just hope everyones ok on here too. Stay safe folks!seeya.gif1

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Aye, doesn't take many knob heads to cause chaos. 

This made me chuckle last night. (warning.. Contains some swearing and pure geordie charva lingo) 




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1 hour ago, Dave said:

Anyhoo, feeling a lot better than we did last week,

Glad to hear that mate friday.gif1

Seems like loads of people will have had it without realising it. 

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