So did the unthinkable today & came back to a dead car, the as I like to call it idiot switch is not working on my MB3 Deck, you know the sound that goes off when you open the door with the lights still on.
I presume it's a relay somwhere as fuses are fine, but have now asked my honda guy & also the guy I get my honda parts from & also my local garage & none of them know & none have ever heard to one having this problem before, I'm not very mechanically minded myself TBH, I do what I can but I'm far from a natural, so was hoping someone here may know what I am looking for to rectify this issue ??
Turned a nice day in to a right mare it did, stranded at the a*s end of nowhere for a while, knew it was coming at some point though, procratination & all that, so time I get this sorted before I do the b****r again.
Hi All
So did the unthinkable today & came back to a dead car, the as I like to call it idiot switch is not working on my MB3 Deck, you know the sound that goes off when you open the door with the lights still on.
I presume it's a relay somwhere as fuses are fine, but have now asked my honda guy & also the guy I get my honda parts from & also my local garage & none of them know & none have ever heard to one having this problem before, I'm not very mechanically minded myself TBH, I do what I can but I'm far from a natural, so was hoping someone here may know what I am looking for to rectify this issue ??
Turned a nice day in to a right mare it did, stranded at the a*s end of nowhere for a while, knew it was coming at some point though, procratination & all that, so time I get this sorted before I do the b****r again.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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