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Mr Brown's Project MB3- Front End Repair Underway

Mr Brown

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Looks good chap.  :D



Infact, i used to know someone called ben brown, and as i am yet to see or hear of your first name i will now call you ben!!! :D hope this is acceptable... Easier to write ben than mr. Brown anyway lol!!!

Cheers Ben! :P


What about Mr Benn??



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I got my H decals through the post today, as some of you may be aware (sorry powerofdreams) i gave a false link to them :cry:  :cry:  But this is the correct one.


The size we require is 38mm X 47mm




So here is a picture of said H fitted..



It's cool Mr b. Reordered the correct ones after u said. Looks wicked.


Was a bit tricky but a sharp blade (i.e a stanley blade LOL. ?? Is this comment not for another thread about things called by the wrong name) and taking five mins and that was the result. Its not 100% perfect which will not bother most people but i will have to take courses to get over it and accept it will do.  Also need a new steering wheel as mine has lots of damage so later down the line will have to redo...

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Looks good chap.  :D




What about Mr Benn??



Your doing nothing for our reputation keep pulling up all this ancient stuff that only us oldies will remember LOL



Mr benn, the extraordinary adventures of an ordinary man, wearing a bowler hat!

I know it was very strange but that is a british gentleman of the early's, SSHHHH its quite old..

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powerofdreams Quote"It's cool Mr b. Reordered the correct ones after u said. Looks wicked."


LOL i still can not believe i put a link up before confirming it was correct....


Oh and it took me two attempts, first one went on but outside ring was not sticking so itook it back off to clean properly before refitting and decided to remove H as well are redo that so only used two of the five decals. :wink:

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