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MB2 TRINITY D. K26. 23/11/14 BRAND NEW MINI MOD ????????



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Twin exhausts :shock:


they look quite good i think its got a hint of ATR about it :P

wow, what a story, from being hrs to being scrapped to being transformed in to a mb6 beater, you sir deserve a pint :D for carrying on where many would of given up. good on ya and keep going. ;);)

x2 ;)

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Thanks guys :D

Yes they was two 4 1/2 in rear cans :shock: and s/s from cat back in a 1.4 :shock: sound mental :lol::lol:

Ok guys today's chapter in the TRINITY D story :D . Ok so I stood back and said no way I can crush her now ( well I had used a ton of clay,polish,and wax :lol::lol: )

Now from almost being crushed to come back she had to become one of the best mental MB2s [smitten.gif]

But the question was how :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: I had already lost 1000s on her as well as time not driven my pride and joy for 2 years :cry:

SO guys she had to have power to keep up with the big mb6 guys :roll: so I said do I

Turbo trinity

Super charge trinity

Or would I go NA with trinity

Now I liked all 3 but one would stick out for me the plan before she was wrecked was to go S/c .But this is not Honda :lol: almost all good Honda's was or are N/A ( yes I no there are few forced before anyone points out :lol::lol::lol: ) just how Honda wanted :lol::lol:

So that's the route I would take :D she was going to be all motor N/A :D[smitten.gif][smitten.gif][smitten.gif] yer but the prob with this route is the cost per bhp not good :cry:

She had to be done some how what the hell I had not driven her for just over 2 years :shock::cry: she went off the road in 2005 it was now late 2007 and all I had was a very clean shell :lol: o and full car of useless wires god knows who's car the was wired from into mine :lol:


So here is what I had to drive for a year or two before I got trin2 ( my silver mb3 ) You can just see it behind her white escort :twisted::oops:


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hats off to you all the crap you have been through with them muppets. the twin cans where cool its so exciting i bet you just cant wait i and everyone on here is so so so so ecstatic.gif1ecstatic.gif1 more more more......

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