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Krzys' MB6 VTi-S - Sold!


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Guest martin

Lol was my first time doing anything mechanical and that included setting up axel stands that I'd just bought, going back to shop for brake pads that fit, freeing all slider pains that were stuck and acquiring the tool to push the rear calipers in, was fun.

That said engaging ABS does firm up pedal, and mines been firm for over 1000 miles.

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The soft pedal I was having it seems was down to the discs and pads being brand new plus the pads are Brembo which are soft anyway.

This was my first time doing this sort of job and I've stripped the whole lot down and replaced it all except the calipers which were sent off for refurbishment.

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Got a fresh MOT on it yesterday, but just 24 hours later I've tried cutting out the damaged wire on the Hi/low loom and joined a new one, now just have one headlight working at all so took the in line fuse out and have left it at that.

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Sorry to hear that things are not working out for you with the car, but it passed the MOT so it can't be that bad :)


My Aerodeck is the same at the moment. Hand-brake is still sh!t after new hand'brake cables, calipers, disc and pads, rattling noise coming from the rear (feels like the rear shock absorber is knackered as it's not absorbing anything) and loads of other silly annoying things. I'm quite a layed back person but just a few days ago I lost my rag with the car. I have never lost it like that before :lol: But I should know better really :)


Just keep at it mate, everytime something breaks least it's an good excuse to upgrade ;)

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I can't really upgrade the handbrake though and I shouldn't have passed it's MOT on paper. I've had some good times but they feel massively outweighed by the bad. I've left the car at home this evening because I have no headlights for later on!

There comes a time where I have to decide is it really worth keeping up the level of repairs for a car that wasn't my first choice or do I cut my losses and start working towards the car I actually set out to buy last year?

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I think for the time being I'm going to put my mods on hold, get the lights sorted and the handbrake at some point, then once the holiday is out of the way go from there when financial pressure is off.

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Besides which, once you have no M, you can't be a ban stick smashing mod anymore! Unless your a girl! :wink:

Look at all the other mods who had Ms, where are they now?!?!

And the bosses daily drive is.....:roll:

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