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Shafz's NHB '02 EP3 Type R Build!


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I can't clean my car due to the weather forecast so I'm having second thoughts on even coming to Japfest cause I don't wanna let the stand down and myself down with a filthy car :(

The car's absolutely horrible and brown and dusty, I dunno if I'd want it on stand at a show.

Someone talk me out of this.

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Haha @Roj isn't even attending! If there's a small window of time where it's not raining I'll give the car a jetwash and get it relatively clean but don't expect anything immaculate at Japfest!

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Mine won't be immaculate, no chance, it's getting a quick clean at Tom's tomorrow evening and I'm hoovering it tomorrow morning so it's a bit more habitable but that's all.

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You do talk some s**t :lol:


Get yasen to the show or else I'll get Roj to come and bum you....again! 


It's not me who does the bumming! I delegate the task to one of my subordinates. :lol:

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Love the fogs mate. Nice job




clean car on the day that's what I always do get up at rediculous o'clock. Get comments from the night before drunk stragglers. Fun times


Apparently the weather is decent for a few hours today so gonna give it a once over!

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