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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. Had a mega busy day actually. Mainly wanted to start rust proofing. Stone chipped the whole front area. Removed the air con ready for a turbo. Some plonker had put coolant in the washer bottle. That's all come out for a clean anyway. Also cleaned and sealed the rear arches and realigned the rbumper rear bumper. Fitted new oem rad hoses and new clips. Went and picked up a bag of new bolts replace all those crusty bolts on there. Work in progress!
  2. I'm gonna buy there kit. 1600 quid. Add my own injectors fuel pump ecu etc and get mapped locally. Over 2k I guess But tried and tested. Nice quality..
  3. @chandler. Old enough to have bought an estate and get all excited about me no claims discount
  4. Oh s**t I'm getting old for sure. Just moved my no claims over. 304 quid to insure.. fooking over the moon. And over the hill I guess
  5. @Chandler not hard just frustrating. I made some for my mb before. Think davemb2 has them now. Just smash the glass out the front with a hammer.. clear it all out which can be awkward. painted the metal case. Then put a bead of tiger seal around edge and smoothed it off. The lens is just 5mm acrylic.. trace around fog and cut neatly with coping sa, cut it a little big then file it until just fits snug. Tap in with a rubber mallet. Small bead of tiger seal or whatever around the edge.
  6. Right doing bits n bobs as I can... again standard. Fog lights smashed. Spruced em up with a muck out spray job and some yellow acrylic lenses. Took me flipping ages. Filing acrylic to the exact size. From dis... to dis...
  7. @snakey135 concuring man hawk kit is awesome for the money. Used it on me old mb6
  8. Ooh knarly.. but not sure that would matter on Mine. It's looks like someone has missed the floor with there foot and gone all Jon woo on the panels
  9. @Chandler yeah really crap mate. Mind you, may aswell use the key how close you have to stand to the car. Haha
  10. First things first... new buttons.. Standard issue!
  11. Flipping ek. Sense a business opportunity here.. start a queue down the street get these valves sorted!!!!
  12. Boost ftw. Gonna put a race tech turbo kit in it. After many hours of research. Don't think it can be beaten for value. Done valve clearances this morning. We're miles off. To be fair still sounds a little rattly but I think my ears are tuned in to the sound cus I used to think my old c4 was noisy. Others disagreed.
  13. Im sure it aint slower than a hatch.. same engine in the eg.. albeit modified. Was soooo much more responsive.. had soooo much more mid range and top end grunt. And obviously the car was half ton lighter and had the whole scalectrix thing going on. loving the deck just wish was in a better position to mod it. Gonna have to wait with this one.
  14. @Chandler do you know where I can get coilovers for boots advantage points and brass buttons? It'll happen shortly.. lots to do. Under sealing next and get the bumpers on straight
  15. well service done. So took the old snail for a blast. can't get over how big slow and boaty it is. Haha. Loving it though! Gearbox is better than any one of the 72 gearboxes I had before. Which is nice vtec Works as should and no smoke which is also nice. and I can fit a bookcase in the back. Sweèet! @simpo cleaned the k n cone I had on the mb6 years ago and slapped that on. Sounds lovely
  16. Now we're talking...put me nice shiny nob on earlier too
  17. Ooya bag missed this ya lucky b*start! llooks like a beauty aswell!
  18. few bits to keep to get stuck into
  19. yeah defo man.. well if ya passing giz a shout pop in for a brew.
  20. Ahhh nothing changes does it Krzys.. anyways I can't afford luxuries like them. Bejesus. Just scraped enough together to buy the car.. gonna be a slow one this one. do the necessary bits them save up for the mods. Hit it all in one go Probs next year tho realistically.. nice daily until then though
  21. I didn't see point in loads of pics guys.. its 100 percent standard.. apart from an elbow patch stuck to drivers door. Haha. Yeah that's coming off when I can find the keys. well yeah the eg was quite nimble!!! And I can also say that the mods I made to the last c4 made a huuuuuuuuuuuge difference!
  22. Not that clean. But ahhh it'll do!....
  23. Yep now I'm of a certain age.. The deck felt natural.
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