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Everything posted by KiNK43

  1. KiNK43


    Nicely done!!!! Think honesty goes a long way in those situations. Imagine some of the shif they must hear.. At the end of the day if ya speeding ya speeding. No point making some elaborate excuse
  2. All done cut to size and lug orientation correct. Nice little upgrade for £2.40
  3. @UnicyclingTom no mate I haven't. Link me
  4. There's someone on civic life and ebay that does a kit so you can use a b series tps. Much more reliable
  5. Broke it and used a lot of parts Inc engine in the eg. Went on to bigger and better things and was pretty sweet to be fair. Then sold that. Please don't remind me. Oh well starting again.
  6. haha far from it. Bejeez. Just tried to make sure I'm employable. Used to work as a body piercer doesn't give many prospects. So took a big hit and went back college. Then went college again. And again
  7. I do anything that means I get paid! @UnicyclingTom got me gas and me leccy Qualifications. And I've spent the last year working as a chippy. Full Kitchens and fenching and what not and I get me trowel out when needed. Bit of roofing. Soffit n fascia. Whatever needed.
  8. Just done a board change. Theres me new engine earth's sorted! Pick up some crimp connectors on way home tonight.
  9. I had tein super street coilovers on it. Which then went on my eg. Erm was quite low to be fair 60-70mm at a guess but nothing rubbed just exhaust and tow hooks used to catch occasionally. Miss that car a lot. Loved it
  10. @ammarbm yeah man I sold to them to knight cus they were too big for my Eg. Needed a refurb really. Curbed em whoops. here's my old mb6.
  11. @snakey135 dunno whats best man. Persoral preference I suppose. I wouldn't have dreamed of trying to paint stuff a year ago.. you lot here inspired me to have a go. I use 2000 grit myself. And an old piece at that If I can that worn. Really lightly wipe over the primer and paint between coats. Wipe down with brake cleaner. Even the lacquer give a light sand then polish it up after. Be smooth as a baby's Bum bum
  12. Good man!!! Fair play having a go at big area. ya got ya self some super fine paper??? Looking great so far dude!
  13. @Chandler yeah just a steady hand mate that's all. Cut a bit off the shock aswell. Bit more awkward and had to be careful not to heat it or cut into it.
  14. @noodels cheers mate. Was just real careful. Had the hose running on em aswell to keep them cool as i cut and went lightly at it. Might remove a little more now looking at them. But yeah happy. Looking forward to getting them on. btw you'll hear from me next couple of days
  15. Guns don't kill people.... angle grinders do.. woopady woop! Woop woop woop
  16. Good result dave. Crazy these faults occur. Those top mount bearings are awful though. Cheap plastic tat And make a horrific sound if left. They don't make them like they used to!
  17. Nice one Tony! What happened to turtle neck? Why you scrap?
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