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Everything posted by DanTheB18Man

  1. Nah havent had the time cheers lad any idea the part number or know anywhere i could find them?
  2. Hello all, Ive recently painted my again! and I'm wanting to change the wheel nuts aswell so I'm asking for advice on what shape the end of the nut has to be? or is there conversion washers to suit that kind? I have speedlines on and I'm looking for purple wheel nuts.
  3. So where is the arms/ bolt holder on them? like where the bolts go through to connect to the chassis?
  4. Does anyone by any chance know where I could get rear trailing arm bushes? mine look a bit old and everytime someone sits in the back something squeeks over bumps? so I'm looking for bushes that will last long or could be polybush ones I'm not fussy. cheers! (civic mb6)
  5. thanks bud im going to go buy them hopefully tuesday if not sold and I'll just go from there! what are the best looking rear seats i could fit into the mb6 i dont mind modifying them too just done with the half leathers
  6. Hello Im looking at ATR buckets and ive seen some info here and there about how to fit but no clear description im wondering how hard it is to fit them into the mb6 how much modifying needed and is it worth my time? cheers!
  7. Couldn't see a full exhaust on their website?
  8. Thanks lads. Ive got one from Solid Fabrications down in England they're widely known and meant to be some of the best welders in the country.
  9. Is there anyway to contact john banks honda so i can see if there is any? Yeahh ill give them a try its just how i would get them delievered down here and hopefully get trade discount! cheers!
  10. Does anyone have any idea where i could source really good condition mats for my mb6? preferably vti-s ones or ones the have civic on them but doesnt matter too much! cheers!
  11. cheers lads im going to elite custom to see a price i've heard theyre most likely the best exhaust specialist in scotland
  12. Looking like a beast of a build good luck man looking forward to seeing this when its finished!
  13. ahh right no point getting a s**ter :/ do you know how much a custom exhaust from the mani back would be? have no clue about making them even though my a mechanic haha cheers!
  14. Ahh i dont really have the equipment to lengthen it :/ anyone know where to get decent back boxes for mb6? i cant find any cheers
  15. Hey everyone again Ive been offered a full skunk2 exhaust from a friend for cheap because of the beer tokens he owes I'm wondering do you have to modify a b series civic ek exhaust much to make it fit? This is a rough picture from a website.. cheers!
  16. Sorry i forgot to reply it is 3 inch cheers!
  17. Hello all I'm buying an AEM cone filter and need to know of the diameter of the intake pipe where it cuts off the air box my car is locked away in my work at the moment so cant check MB6 B18C4 cheers!
  18. Aww god 30 a piece! i might just try my best to revive the ones i have :/
  19. Hello im still trying to find centre caps for my speedlines but im finding it hard to find the orginal caps which came with them anyone have any ideas or know of any for sale? Cheers
  20. They came with honda center caps so I am looking for the same ones to be honest i think they are 60mm, ill have to double check I'm really excited but worried at the same time because I don't want to be put off them because of the way the car sits ( standard height) so I wanted to wait for my coilovers next month but I cant they look bang on! Thanks ill post up pictures when they are eventually put on.
  21. Hey all Ive got my wheels ready to be fitted to the mb and the old center caps are just ruined so i need another set does anyone know where i could locate them? Speedlines 15" Cheers!
  22. Haha straight line speed doesn't compare but corners the golf seems really tight probably because its smaller and on coilovers Yeah its a good daily atleast its a good looking daily as long as its fast than the pd130's I'm happy.
  23. That one is really clean too! They are just too easy for me to modify i think for me haha I would end up ruining it. If you ever put it up for sale everyone would jump at it if its not too modified (especially me!) Whats the mileage like?
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