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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Its fair to say your idea is right, after all it was only started about once a week for 5 minutes, it has been better since, once or twice since this morning, I'll see how it goes once I start to run the car more frequently , always get good advice here !
  2. OK seems to have stopped now, I'll pop out every hour or so and see his it goes, thanks Dave
  3. Going to try reconnect in an hour or so, fingers crossed
  4. hey everyone, my civic has started to lock/unlock itself , it has been standing for about a month due to me having a broken ankle, i kept her started every few days but i took her out for the first time yesterday and about 20 mins into the drive it just started to lock unlock, even when the ignition is off........ive had to remove battery to stop it....any thought where to start? any help would be great ps....its not remote locking...its just key
  5. Also when do entries start for october? What date ? Not gonna miss it this time !
  6. Thanks Dave, do you have any if the old merchandise left, no mugs etc just clothes ? Also I don't know if it's my stupid iPhone or what, but I can't find the thread for japfest at santa pod , to see if anybody else has put there name down yet
  7. @UnicyclingTom You not coming to santa pod?? @powerofdreams Are the tops still available?
  8. What did I put wise for.... Supposed to be close.. Dam phone predictive text :/ what do you mean next round? You coming japfest mate?
  9. My local civic loving garage is taking out the sagging headliner, touching up the bodywork on Sunday ready for japfest 2nd October just the price if a drink, lovely jubbly
  10. Your not supposed to notice that!! But it was the closest I could get looks wise to my mb
  11. No mate, the place is just round the corner from me about a mile, garage don't even have a name, they just do what they do cause they love civics , mods mechanical work and bodywork , they don't even have set rates, they just say stuff like oh give us 50 quid .... My kinda place haha !
  12. Thanks I'll take a look at where to get some !
  13. Just thought I'd post this, my little red mb on a tshirt , came today even got the same wing and my number plate
  14. Thanks, I'll look into that, I'm also going to my local backstreet garage, as that just deals in civics he might be in the know also
  15. Ok thanks, whats best to use to stick it? Spray adhesive or something like that? Dont want the glue to stain on the inside
  16. So is it best to replace it or try to re stick it back up??
  17. Should be let me know or post a picture when you have done the bumper please, was thinking about doing mine
  18. hmm strange,,,,i posted a picture of it on my phone.... but on my pc now its not showing...O.O http://www.wickes.co.uk/Wickes-Galvanised-Metal-Mesh-Lath-2500x700mm/p/104089?CAWELAID=120135120000007050&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=17408399812&CATCI=aud-132456717172:pla-193348858852&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_campaign=Google Shopping - Building Materials&tmcampid=&tmad=c&tmplaceref=QJztGjSp&utm_content=sQJztGjSp|pcid|43364522812|pkw||pmt||&gclid=Cj0KEQjwjK--BRCzv-Wyu4OTosEBEiQAgFp5OMuUa9GxYRlU6JILdn0JnZ4e8PKMQIcwiVIsUbVGIwwaAvjy8P8HAQ * Anthony, I think the link to thew picture has been moved by Wickes, so like there over priced kitchens, it's broken~Unicyclingtom.
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