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Re: KNK Project. photowhorish!


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all done.looked this morning there are no leaks. the coolant level is still normal. and i have put everything back in.

hardest part of the whole job was trying to get my headunit back in. there really isnt enough space back there!

its looking good in here no...




:?: i am now taking bets at how many screws i had left over :?:

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yeah im really happy. been out in her tonight and gave it some beans to get everything stressed a little and seems good everything working and no leaks anywhere cant believe it to be honest!

i had a genius idea also and chucked an air freshener in the with the pollen filter. smells beautiful in there with the heaters on! i know it wont last long but i hate having those things swingin around in the cab!

not sure what to do now i feel a little bit sad that i dont have anything to do now...

oh yeah just thaught i need to repair seatbelt for MOT in 4 weeks. eek thatll keep me busy.

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