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"What the Heck??" Smitty_Works MC3 Aerodeck

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oh no. I know how to polish my lights using M3 products. what I meant was taking them apart and cleaning up the insides. maybe painting the chrome bits and such.

Ah right, yes, heat them up, prise them apart and go crazy inside! There was a how to but I can't find it! :(

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Smog city lol good to c her gettin pampered

yes its time I took care of the issue at hand.


Ah right, yes, heat them up, prise them apart and go crazy inside! There was a how to but I can't find it! :(

yeah, I think its called de-tango or something. but I cant find it either.

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What do you mean by valet key, is it a grey one? If so it'll still unlock and start the car. It won't unlock or lock the glove box..

its the red key. it can open up all the doors. I could be wrong but it may have a chip in it. but it certainly will not start the car

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take the red key and the broken key to a good key cutter (http://www.timpson.co.uk/ this is who i used and they cut a key and programed it as well.) they should be able to cut the key with the red one and program it with the broken one.


or since you have the red key, you can go to honda for a replacement one.

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