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Thanks mate glad i could help, its good to put faces to forum names and cars! Have to meet up again!

yeah i know what you meen bud :) yeah il nip over when theres a meet planned and my shifts calm down a bit

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Nice Arr I see you copied my room brace :lol: looking rob

:lol: i had only every seen another one (in your car :roll: ) before and when it came up for £40 i just had to have it :lol::lol:

Lovin the floor brace!!!

thanks bud ;)

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Bloomin eck, you been busy! Totally love the new winter rims mate, pm me the lowdown on them please! Need to pop through to yours sometime soon, no seen you for ages. Decks looking mint!

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Bloomin eck, you been busy! Totally love the new winter rims mate, pm me the lowdown on them please! Need to pop through to yours sometime soon, no seen you for ages. Decks looking mint!

will do dave i should get finished around 21.30/22.00 tonight il get some info your way ;) yeah pop on over bud the door is always open

Looking good Rob :D

thanks tom ;) are you entering cotm next month...???

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