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My Honda Civic 1.5 ls


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Yeh i do prefer mg trim and it should b k aslong as it doesnt blow. As i havent got them near me and places near me wont touch a custom backbox as ive asked around plus it doesnt move or blow so it should b fine as seen worse lol

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i don't what this to come across the wrong way but am sorry that exhaust is a right bodge job it won't last long or pass a MOT 


get it sorted won't cost alot 

sorry but it will last because the replacement piping is stainless steel piping which is better than the original pipe plus there's actually 3 mounts not just the one and the exhaust doesn't move or blow as all joints have been sealed , and MOT regulations state as long as the exhaust is mounted correctly and doesn't blow or release liquid it will be fine for MOT as I know of people that have done it before and passed MOT 

Plus i dont care how it looks as no one sees under the car 

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Side repeaters look good mate, and aslong as it passes MOT then I'm glad your happy with the exhaust... I personally wanted it done proper so got power flow fitters at my local KSM to sort it, only set me back £40 if i remember right!

However if it holds up and your happy then its a WIN! :D

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It's an interesting one. I don't think my mot man would let that go. And again personally ( doesn't mean I'm right )

I would be saving my penny's to fit properly for how little it would be.

If a jobs worth doing.....

But anyway. Look forward to updates.

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  • 2 weeks later...

either way moving away from my exhaust cause the hold conversation is doing my head in cause ill find out when the mot is  due anyways, but recently added performance spark plugs now runs alot smoother and brought some ultrabright led lights to go as daylight driving lights just gota get around to wiring them up

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