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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2016 in Posts

  1. So its update time! I had to wait a week or so to update this as the I needed time to recover from the emotional and physical pain ha ha. Here we go, started bright and early last Saturday. Made it to my ramp hire location for the day around 8am with a boot full! Some hawk eyes may notice the rear teg ARB and MB6 front, didn't end up fitting them as my mate bought them off me lol. So first job was get the service done whilst the oil was hot and engine was warm, using Honda parts of course. Gave the sump and the block a little scrub as the leak from the rocker gasket had spread. I would like to get it perfect, but then I would get carried away and before I know it I would of taken the engine out ha ha. Unfortunately after that things went down hill and the car started fighting me! First the LCA bolts were seized up as I expected, so broke out the oxy acetylene and that sorted that. Basically the rest of the jobs included changing all the shocks, pads and discs. I didn't get many pics during as I was too busy swearing, especially when Euro's sent me the wrong pads twice. I do have one the next day and yes the arches need a big clean ha ha but the jobs are all done. The car now handles and brakes sooooo much better, definitely could do with a brake fluid change and that will be my next job.
    2 points
  2. I thought a lot of people on here would prefer the look with rotas but for myself lenso bsx is the best look
    1 point
  3. OK, so this theoretically means that I can run up to 350 miles before really risking something...I will verify it soon (I will keep a fuel can in the trunk, in the doubt... )
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. There are going to be 3 things to factor in, pick 2 because you can't have all 3 - Cheap - Fast - Reliable
    1 point
  6. Thanks Finch, i'll start with the smaller socket and some freezing spray... and very crossed fingers!
    1 point
  7. Looks nice mate. Must admit the rotas were more my cup of tea as well, but fair play.. The new rims so look good
    1 point
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