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Everything posted by simpo

  1. You want better acceleration then you want a mani decat and a cat back system.
  2. Nooooooooooooo those sleeves are sh1t and dangerous your Gunna kill your shocks. Cars coming on nicely thou
  3. Looking good mate. You must have one of the first ever egs as yours is on a K plate
  4. Due to the size off a M I think 17s is best IMO as I have 15s and I think they look to small for the arches
  5. ^^^ try and do a L shape eyebrow if you can ( if u get Wat I mean)
  6. You need a spoiler and I have a standard vti one if u want it? It's black
  7. Think you should make some head light eye brows
  8. Or just do Wat I do put the cat back on for mot
  9. Is it right by the corner of the sun visor? I got a wet patch there
  10. I no how tense it is me and Steveo are neck and neck Gunna be close between us 2
  11. Cheers mate yep centre out but it is tricky to do but once you have the nack of doing it, its easy badge took me 1 minute grill 30 min, bonnet 4 hours Linky linky plz
  12. If you had said might of sold you my b18 engine for £700 as the only way I am Gunna make money off it is braking it
  13. I quite like the ek been thinking about changing the vti-s for one
  14. How much did it cost you to do your bonnet?
  15. Just keep searching the web there is plenty of civic engine changes out there might best to join civiclife.net as there is sh1t loads of people with engine changes on there. You Gunna need to lose the weight in the back to keep up lol
  16. Not thE honey monsters in the back lol Like the mg zs spoiler
  17. Had mine from j and r for months now with no problems
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