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Everything posted by james

  1. james

    Mazda Mx5

    Your welcome Its being well looked after judging by talking with the new owner .. which is nice
  2. james

    Mazda Mx5

    A picture from the new owner (SWEET)
  3. Check out my old VTI-S here For the money i though the ware grate, nice ride (a little bouncy)
  4. we have a really wierd collection here an artic - mx5 - astra - civic (no P/S) - jag F type the jag will brake down (more like tom will crash it) the astra will be stuck as the is an uphill section in there some where the civic has no P/S and who want to drive that an the truck ........ mx 5 wins
  5. You must, its another level to s3 , not as aggressive i think but dam glossy
  6. I find that scholl concepts s3 gold dosnt finish down aswell as carpro fixers
  7. safety is priceless lads putting your htrough an aftermarket steering wheel would hurt (not that im an angel)
  8. mx5, F type and an old underpowered astra
  9. and why wouldn't you!!, get used to machining first before going all out
  10. PRO - nice kit a simple floor light even if something bigger with stands is out of the question imagine what it would be like having this view when machining http://i1086.photobucket.com/albums/j445/nikh25/IMG_0027_zps29bf9256.jpg the swirls are clearly visible and easy to see not saying anything, i love your car
  11. The dirt has no where to go and stays between the paint and sponge, like nick said, with a lambs wool wash mitt the dirt goes into the fibers and is easily washed out in a rinse bucket I use a sponge, but only on wheels and interiors
  12. a scouring pad to clean bird bobs - Talk about bring a gun to a knife fight
  13. you will be grand man don't worry, i know what it feels like at the start but its not all that easy to make a F--- up with a DA if you dont go hard over edges and high spots Do you test spot on the near side so you wont see it ever time you sit in your car if you are serious about getting good correction you will need a light to spot the imperfections while working What pads have you Nick?
  14. AH! he is lovely - cool little dude! (how did he get to the roof ) BUT. ... you are starting him off wrong, sponge on a black car (tut tut)
  15. boom! another convertible, we are looking good so far an mx5 and an F type
  16. james

    VW Caddy

    Until i start rushing to get a job finished
  17. For me, my old MX-5 (shut up) you'r go
  18. I don't know if you know this, i learned the hard way with my MX5, be extremely careful on edges and high spots this is where the paint is thinnest so strike through is very easy there I see the swirls you are talking about, step up on a test spot and see from there i love the ride height - its perfect !! + the wheels, everything just flows smoothly
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