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snakey135 last won the day on February 23 2021

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    Currently on a civic break due to house project taking priority... Snakeys Deck is still alive though ;-)

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    26-30...not so youngster!
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    Surrey, UK

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  1. I’ve been offered £150 for the lips and spoiler. I’m keeping the skirts… which I think isn’t too bad considering the damage. What do you reckon @dr_broon
  2. Guys guys guys… I am sorry to say the Deck is being broken I have bought a slightly (only slightly) more modern car for my daily. I’m going to break the Deck down most of the way then use it for a production car at my local race track. I have had some early interest on the full Vti-S kit… does anyone have any rough guide on what I should be asking for these? I know they’re sought after, but don’t want to get my pants pulled down over them, nor to I want to value them too high haha!! rough condition, split on front lip, in general not too bad… pics attached
  3. Thanks lads!! They set it off really nicely I’m well happy with them... the front wheels are a little close to the shocks, as they’re an inch wider... but there should be no movement between those points so shouldn’t cause any problems. Just need to get a set of BMW badges and centre caps now and make sure they fit!
  4. Hi guys!!! So I phoned up Rimstyle and spoke to a chap called Toby who was very helpful... They basically recommend 245/35 on the rears and 225/40 on the front. The tyre walls stay the perfect depth to keep the ratios correct but just gives a slightly wider tread on the rear for better grip under acceleration. After feeling a lot happier once I spoke to them with what decision to make I just went for it and ordered them! So I ordered the Bola B17’s 18” 8.5J... I ordered them as a package with Dunlop Sportmax (245/35 rears 225/40 fronts). So I got them inflated balanced and ready to fit!! So I put them on last night and put some gel plates on today just to add to the new look... I’m well chuffed with it to say the least!!!
  5. So the profiles are different from front to rear but so is the tread width, so the 215/40 front and the 245/35 rear, both actually have basically the exact overall tyre diameter (it’s because although you think 35 is automatically a lower profile... it would be only if the tread width was the same) in a nut shell 40% of 215 is the same as 35% of 245. So all of the new wheels will be 8.5J I think I might just go for the 225/40 tyres. I’ll give them a bell tomorrow and talk to them to get their opinions too
  6. Hopefully going to order the wheels/tyres this weekend... at the moment I’ve got. FRONT 18” 7,5 ET49 - 215/40 R18 REAR 18” 8,5 ET52 - 245/35 R18 The wheels I’m likely to get are going to be 18” 8,5 all round. But I’m stuck on which tyre size to go for... if I go for... FRONT 225/40 R18 RRAR 245/35 R18 ...then it stays same circumference ratios as they are now... but the website is suggesting 225/40 R18 all round so am a bit unsure what to select?!?! are there any tyre boths on here??
  7. Yes mate those are the ones... having to finance though, no chance I can afford those up front haha!! The best price I found on them, with tyres was from rimstyle.com... what other places would be good for alloys? i done a little photoshop, I don’t think it does the wheels justice but it’s sort of what they’ll look like ha! Before and possible after...
  8. Thanks guys, this is why I love this forum so much! I’ve posted on a couple 1 series forums recently but just get stupid responses or no responses... nothing helpful anyway!!! See with here, I’ve been away for some time, and I come back, not even with a Honda, and straight away I’m welcomed back in and I get proper conversation!! Love it!!! Nice work, 370 miles from £40 is really good going mate. Definitely feel that it’s much safer for Dexter (the boy) in the back... with the deck I had to buy a make shift bracket that I bolted to the back of the rear seat to provide some anchor points for his car seat base!! That’s not the way to do it I know but didn’t have much choice at the time. Even not thinking about the extra air bags and safety features it just feels like a much sturdier car. I thought it would be more aggro getting him in and out of his car seat, being a 2 door... but to be fair it was harder with the deck. Because it’s quite a low car anyway, and the front seat doesn’t fold forward like in a 2 door... there was a lot less space to manoeuvre him into his seat than what I’ve got now once I’ve flipped the seat forward! Yes Broon it is, I’m not sure what plans for the deck are yet... I’m thinking about breaking it and possibly racing it as a non contact production at my local track... if I sell it to some one I’ll only get peanuts for it and they’ll only break it then scrap it anyway haha!! I’ve had it for too long to just hand it to someone els to finish her life off!!! The wheels do look nice and it was a main selling point for me... I was going to go for more OEM brand new wheels but I was looking at £1300 before even putting shoes on them!! So I’ve decided to get some aftermarket wheels that look the similar to the BMW 359 Y spokes. I’m going for some Bola B17’s in gun metal grey, they should look tidy! Plans for the BMW... I’m not going crazy I want it to look as original as possible but with a few different touches... I’m getting the wheels obviously, I’ll be putting a screen/Nav upgrade into the dash (OEM looking one), angel eyes headlights to replace halogen units, tint rear 3 windows and I need to respray the rear bumper at some point... someone has swapped out the original and put a bumper with parking sensors on, which is a nice plus, but they didn’t get the same colour as the car... it’s very slightly off, but I notice it so badly!!! Might need a clutch at some point too as once the car has warmed up, at low speed manoeuvring, like doing a U turn from being parked, I get a lot of judder! Apart from that just general maintenance really guys!
  9. Yeah really nice looking cars I think... and 400miles per £60 tank I can’t complain... compared to the 280 miles per £60 tank in the deck It’s a 2.0 manual 141bhp, RWD obviously... it’s a 118d sport but I think it could do with looking a bit sportier lol!!
  10. Hi guys, so I still have the deck but it’s sitting on the drive looking sorry for itself right now. I decided that I wanted something a bit more tame as the wife is pregnant with our second, and I do some food delivering for my friends take away on a Friday and Saturday evening so I wanted something better on fuel... I ended up ignoring most of what I “needed” and bought myself a 1 Series Coupé it is a 118d though so it is a lot better on fuel I suppose, and tax was £30 for the year so that’s a win too. Not sure how popular this forum is now but I’ll go ahead and post up my progress with is as it goes. Ive started to find a few niggly problems with it the more I drive it and have it in my workshop but I suppose it is 12 years old lol. It’s got problems on the rear wheels with cracks forming, I had one repaired but a few have developed on the other side so I’m not going to keep chucking money at repairing the cracks I’m going to buy new wheels. I have managed to get round to smoking the rear lights already though, and put on blacked out side repeaters so they look pretty cool Anyway here’s some photos and I’ll keep posting as and when I do stuff... will be more subtle than the Deck.
  11. HI GUYS!!! Quick question for you, well 2 part question... in neutral foot off clutch it makes a horrific rough cluttery noise, apply clutch and noise goes... that’s the clutch bearing isn’t it? also there was a trader on here a while ago selling decent clutch kits at a good price, is he still about does anyone know? Can’t find the traders area on the forum
  12. Yeah I guess that makes sense, about the distance being governed by the projector itself. Might even be due to the fact my HIDS are cheap Ebay buys, don’t want too spend big bucks on top HID bulbs and ballasts for them to not make a difference though. I guess it’s all about trying out different options, taking risks and seeing what works.
  13. What lighting options out there are best, obviously to go in my projectors... currently got 6000 HID bulbs which the light output is good but light distance isn’t great... just wondered what routes others have gone down? And am I likely to get them any better or not?
  14. Ok mate I’ll have a little look, cheers bud
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