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I smashed two half inch ratchets doin that building my car. Then came 600nm torque wrench.

Oh yeah Paul found that short shift.

NICE!!! good news mate! 8-)8-)

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Ok went to see rich at dynodaze and they got the hubnut off! they used a big breaker like mine with a 6 foot bar over it and crack it gave up! Sorted! So will be on it over the weekend! 8-)

good news pal should be smooth sailing from here on out :)

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Ok went to see rich at dynodaze and they got the hubnut off! they used a big breaker like mine with a 6 foot bar over it and crack it gave up! Sorted! So will be on it over the weekend! 8-)

good news pal should be smooth sailing from here on out :)

Fail!!! couldn't get bottom ball joint out + hub is weilded on the drive shaft not budging was on it for 4 hours blowupsmiley.gifblowupsmiley.gifblowupsmiley.gif

F*ucking pis$ed off! :x

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:evil::evil::evil::evil: it's a mare when things are solid and I mean solid :twisted:

Will book it into a garage monday :roll: So much for saving money :(

That's a pain in the soft bit you sit on & you just know as soon as it goes on the ramp, they'll hit it once and it'll split straight off. :(

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