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Oh that sucks, can they not use a blueprint one? :(

they tried getting hold of one before they phoned me. it's not looking good for a car either, but shit happens. at least this isn't the friday before japfest...

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they tried getting hold of one before they phoned me. it's not looking good for a car either, but s**t happens. at least this isn't the friday before japfest...

That would be somewhat annoying.

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Very annoying. Quite poor service IMO. I'm sure if I'd called my motor factors they could've got a blueprint one in, perhaps same Sauvignon was early enough or definitely tomorrow morning!

And that they can't provide you with a car sucks :-(

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they tried getting hold of one before they phoned me. it's not looking good for a car either, but shit happens. at least this isn't the friday before japfest...

I'm willing to bet they didn't try to get hold of one, they wouldn't want to lose the extra money for a non-genuine part.

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yeah i'm gutted that the waterpump is fooked, but it has done 170k, and i was sort of expecting it. as for a load car when i went in it was a sticking point as i'm young. still not looking good for a car as no call's yet from them...



in hindsight, i should of got the part's from tegiwa..

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Ah s**t that is bad service from a main dealer. BeJesus.. I'd be expecting the water pump to have leaked as they always do after so long. So they should have made sure one was there before starting.

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yeah i know what your all saying, what make's it worse is that the waterpump is special order from belgium, and i had it booked in on a friday, they are saying the pump should be there tuesday, but hoping monday.


they keep d-series pump's in as there in fairly regular, but mine is the first b-series in this year and certainly a long time 




to be fair, i should of had the belt changed when i got the car but i never got round to it. at least i'm not writing this after the belt has snapped/jumped cos of the waterpump and fooked the engine up...

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Very true at least it's getting done. I just get frustrated by how in this day and age everything seems to be a chore. Long winded and stuff always takes longer than expected or is done to a poor standard.

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well still no car, but to my suprise, work have arranged for me to take the work van home. so that solve's getting lift's in to work, hopefully i'll have it back tommorow. it'll be nice to get her back, 4 day's after it should of been back...


i wonder if they have washed it for me?

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