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MB2 TRINITY D. K26. 23/11/14 BRAND NEW MINI MOD ????????



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MY GOD !!!!!!


I put my headphones on to listen to it as my mrs is watching tele down the front room end got to the point where she really gives it the beans and had to pause, breath and said sorry mrs i got to do this, won't be long.

Unplugged headphones turned volume to proper loud, turned the sub to very full and sat back with full 5.1 surround, tingling.... What a noise, what  a car, what more can one say ??????

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MY GOD !!!!!!


I put my headphones on to listen to it as my mrs is watching tele down the front room end got to the point where she really gives it the beans and had to pause, breath and said sorry mrs i got to do this, won't be long.

Unplugged headphones turned volume to proper loud, turned the sub to very full and sat back with full 5.1 surround, tingling.... What a noise, what  a car, what more can one say ??????

Shame coz the mics on the camcorder are pants so you do not get the real balls out sound lol and only shot in low pic

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Yer jake N/A that's the way ok you not going get 500bhp just like that but the the honda doing it all natural is so sweet and its how it should be

Yer do not get me wrong I love s/c and turbo get some mental power but everyone goes that way and some of us need to keep things diff lol lets go N/A

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Yer jake N/A that's the way ok you not going get 500bhp just like that but the the honda doing it all natural is so sweet and its how it should be

Yer do not get me wrong I love s/c and turbo get some mental power but everyone goes that way and some of us need to keep things diff lol lets go N/A

She'd be undrivable anyway so at least with N/A you can manage the power better under your foot! 8-) 

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