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My PB MB9 Aerodeck! Engine rebuild in progress


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My mate took the deck for a little spin. I NEVER let anyone drive my car usually. I try to convince him to buy a Civic but he don't like Honda's, infact he hates them! 


But he likes the feel of the Aerodeck, but not quite fast enough for his liking...




Really weird seeing my car driven, never again... :lol:



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It looks fine we all know your getting bodywork sorted just people don't read through build threads properly and not even half the fb people are on the forum anyway. Just keep going kyfer when it's all done you will show them all up

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Nooo not ripped it off, just slight dislodged it again.... Because my deck got stuck :lol: Went to a paintball sesh and the roads leading into the woods (more like a foot path with ditches!) feels like it wrecked the bottom of my car  cry.gif1  It was quite embarrassing because my mates and their mates who I never met had to get a couple logs to get me out. All this took half hour :lol:


Had a quick peek under the car. Back box is sort of tilting and a few heavy scratches here and there. I will get pics up tomorrow...


As much as I love how the deck sits, I'm gonna have to raise it. Practicality over looks for sure 

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