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Shafz's NHB '02 EP3 Type R Build!


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Cars in for clutch but there's a few cars ahead of it (including my mates A3) so not sure when it'll be done, been driving the BMW more and more again. Miss my type R... Loving the heated seats in this weather though

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Cars in for clutch but there's a few cars ahead of it (including my mates A3) so not sure when it'll be done, been driving the BMW more and more again. Miss my type R... Loving the heated seats in this weather though

Creature comforts are great! 

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Well, let's get into this.


Friday before last I went to pick up some headlights for my car (stock with painted inners), I knew my clutch was bad but then I'd assumed it was the original clutch on 107k miles, I traveled 25 miles to the guy to get the headlights and on the way as the car was warm, I started getting clutch slip in 4th, 5th and 6th, not good when you're on the M25 going 60 and you put your foot down and nothing happens. Oops. The area I picked them up from was full of boy racers, including an Astra VXR that tried it on in greasy conditions. I figured my clutch had one last launch and 1st to 3rd were somewhat usable. Then I realised it was a private road.


Anyway I got the headlights and got them home:



But then I had to sort out the clutch didn't I? So a Genuine Honda clutch kit was ordered and promptly delivered:



Then onto fitting the clutch, what a ballache of a job this was, had to drop the subframe, remove the alternator, starter motor, pulleys, belt, airbox, pretty much most of the engine bay ancillaries:



Then when the clutch was all done, the headlights went on :)



Looks way more aggressive in my opinion, better in person actually and at night especially when the cars off it has that stealth look! Quick pic outside work:



And after doing the clutch, wow what a difference, the old one had really had it, it was the original clutch that's gone through 6 previous owners and over 100k miles! The car is now way smoother to drive, any notchiness is gone, it feels brilliant and sharp and a lot faster than it already was...


But anyway, let's get to the main point here. I got home and my delivery had arrived.


What could be in these then?



Better open one to have a better look inside eh? Smaller one probably first..



Wait, what's this?



Yes it is, my CF spoiler had arrived. Not quite overnight parts, but very very happy.









But then they also came with these:



This must be a hint to what's in the bigger box, if you haven't guessed it already.. it is my carbon fibre bonnet!


I haven't opened the box yet because then mum will have to deal with a expensive bonnet sitting unboxed in the living room!


But yeah that's the updates for now.. bring on show season 2015 and fitting!

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Glad you found a set of headlights that retain the chrome indicator reflector! Definitely looks better than the all blacked out one you showed me. Can't wait to see the carbon stuff all fitted!

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Glad you found a set of headlights that retain the chrome indicator reflector! Definitely looks better than the all blacked out one you showed me. Can't wait to see the carbon stuff all fitted!


Thanks! Yeah the headlights make a massive difference, probably my favourite mod of the car externally.. as it's the only mod on so far LOL


I step into the porch to put my shoes on and have to snap a pic, it looks so damn aggressive!




Very nice mate! 


Thanks fellow EP3 owner!


Nice :D

Much weight difference with the bonnets?


The CF bonnet in the box with the packaging and foam and everything... is lighter than the stock bonnet on the car alone. So yeah!



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