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Everything posted by Sarahfr

  1. Is this what you do while I'm working when you tell me you've been busy lol
  2. Leave em on & when some on decides to try & race me at the lights they won't know what's hit them he he he now that I'm fully insure to drive it
  3. It's a bit like waiting for Xmas when your a kid ( never seems to come round)
  4. Just read everything you've done to this Jake, fantastic looking car.
  5. At least she's back in the right place & you'll have her back to how she was. Just don't be getting rid again, now your competing with our 3 car family
  6. Whoop whoop, nice one Dave saw your status on Facebook & was like I bet he ground him down until he gave in & sold it back lol
  7. Well done Matty! And also I think that's a really nice thing you've done there Paul
  8. Very well said mate! X 2 All the cars deserve to win in their own rights, but then there wouldn't be car of the month!!! Even better when it comes down to a re vote
  9. Hubby back to working weekends so probably be when we are off in September
  10. Looking good Dave! Just a pity we didn't get to meet her in the flesh. Good excuse for another trip up
  11. that's why he hasn't been seen for a couple of days now
  12. Cheeky bloody sod, can't go anywhere without him!!! He even made an appearance on the first night of our honeymoon
  13. He's put them pics on Dawns project thread
  14. Hi Guys & Girls, Just to let you all know we won't be around much for the next 10 days as we are getting married tomorrow, then away on honeymoon. We will have limited access to the forum for account activations & if there are any major issues you'll have to pm us! So behave yourselves & see you soon Sarah
  15. Was only saying to Davemb2 the other week you'd not been on for a while! Glad you've still got Cindy
  16. I bet yours is £120 a year or similar isn't it? When I had my Leon FR TDi is was that anyway! Happy days, quick and cheap! Yeah, something like that! I just pay it & don't take notice of what it is
  17. I do mine online, 12 months at a time. Not worth standing in the que when you can do it from the comfort of your lounge & have it delivered straight to our door
  18. Very nice, didn't know what you getting Once you get used to 6 gears, it's hard going back to a car with 5. I've been grinding gears this week as 6 wasn't there
  19. Can't believe I've had to watch this on a vid & not seen it for real Gonna now have to wait for a few months until she's ready for home until I actually see this for real Sounds sweet
  20. Finish one thing before u start another!!! The answer is NO Although it probably wouldn't be as embarrassing as a camcorder fastened onto the side of the car, and held on with a piece of string for safety never been as embarrassed in my life!!
  21. Finish one thing before u start another!!! The answer is NO
  22. I knew about the inbetweener just not this one
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