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Everything posted by simpo

  1. haha dont say that mate, im feeling the love for it already, the fact you can just plant your foot and the car just begs for more impresses me! And yeah im probally gonna keep hold of it even when the new car arrives, its just a fun little motor too keep to one side That's just the 1.5 wait till u drive the 1.8 that's when they really beg lol.
  2. The normally do snap would be good if u didn't snap the others. But the grill will come off as there is 2or3 clips holding it in to
  3. Car will sit about 15-20mm lower
  4. Can u do a vid sounds like a code 2 put with out see can't tell u
  5. Wat code u getting should be short flash 10s fast flashes units Eg I short slow flash then 6 fast flashes would be a code 16
  6. I would say battery get some jump leads on it to see if it will start
  7. simpo

    Unicycle tom

    Gay chat already saved in my phone was after your personal number not ur works
  8. Yeah seen one forsale out side my house for 1k needing a good home and tlc
  9. simpo

    Unicycle tom

    Oh holiday should be back today thou
  10. simpo

    Unicycle tom

    Is it me or as the forum been quite with out Tom and no spamming. Aaaahhhhh just like the old days when civic 5 was about the M and b4 Tom joined
  11. Yeah that's Wat I was thing would just stick out more. Where do the tow bar bolt on 2?
  12. Surely the aero deck one would fit the mb6 but wouldn't the other way round
  13. simpo

    Unicycle tom

    Any1 got his number? Pm me it if u av
  14. Prob need to cut welded nut off the back and press the bush out get a new bush
  15. simpo


    Even if u get a mb6 you will get board of it that's why I have had 4 of them lol
  16. Ffffuuuucccckkkkkk this is gunna be quick. Think u need to do vid racing Paul when it's all done lol
  17. Looks Alrite I like the little rectangle bits on it, it's like a roller coaster ride sit down hold on and shut the fook up
  18. I wouldn't get the deck not at your age, fook paying that sort of insurance for a car that u would struggle to sell for £1000. Stick with Wat u got and b18 it when ur insurance comes down
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